We have a new language for our software! (Only available for purchase from Russian agents)

English and Chinese are the most popular languages for writing manuals. But we managed to convince the developers of QIHE to add Russian language software. Bingo! Since this year even a child can understand the 926S, QL41, QM61, QM81 and QM10 – they explain in Russian what to do and how to do it. This […]

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smt pick and place machine,qihe smt,tvm802ax,india,desktop smt pick and place machine,SMT equipment,

2023 MAHATech exhibition Pune QiHe SMT live news

This week QiHe is participating in a three-day summit : MAHATech An Exclusive Industrial Exhibition.We will displaying the popular models PNP smt pick and place machine QM62 6heads placement machine compact type , new stock product TVM802AX plus desktop smt pick and place machine and reflow oven machine such as QRF320 ,etc. At thpresent, we provide professional smt service providers in India market , smt production line layout,Sales and after-sales service of smt equipment,technical guidance.

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QHSMT is an enterprise specializing in the production of SMT equipment, like pick and place machine ,reflow oven,stencil printer ,smt pick and place machine,pnp,pick&place,pcb assembly,smd chip shooter,pnp machine,smt production line layout,chip mounter,smt line,welcome to send inquiry you can choose a reflow oven to meets your need like qfr630,qrf835,qrf1235 stencil printer model qh3040,qp3250,qfa5060 Also we have different kinds of smt pick and place machine like tvm802a,tvm802b,tvm802ax,tvm802bx,tvm802c,tvm802d, tvm802as,tvm802bs,ql41,qm41,tvm925,tvm926,tvm925s,tvm926s,qm61,qm62,qm81,qm10 smt,pnp machine,smt mounter machine,pcb loader unloader,reflow oven temperature,automatic pcb unloader,solder paste mixer,semi automatic pick and place machine,smt nozzle,paste mixer machine,label feeder machine,pcb pick and place,index pick and place,what is a pick and place machine,double sided smt assembly,high speed pick and place,smt medicine,pnp machine,pick and place vision system,open source pick and place,solder stencil machine,pick and place feeder,p&p machine, chip mounter,smt line,pick and place machine,pick and place robot,desktop pick and place machine,used pick and place machine,small pick and place machine,chip shooter,smt equipment,smt machine,openpnp,pcb printer,reflow oven,smt pick and place machine,stock in eu,feeder,smt assembly,pcb assembly,smd chip shooter,suction nozzle,pick and place machine.smt machine,smd package,liteplacer,openpnp feeder,automated optical inspection,aoi,spi,tht,reflow soldering,automated optical inspection,smt wheels,smt machine supplier,surface mount technology,smt machine price,led pick and place machine,led strip pick and place machine,led lamp pick and place machine,led pcb pick and place machine,pick and place machines,what is smt machine operator,smt machine supplier in delhi,smt machine spare parts suppliers,smt machine suppliers in india,smt machine supplier malaysia,smt machine supplier in india,smd mounting machine,automatic pick and place machine,pick and place machines,manual pick and place machine,smd mounting machine,smd led pick and place machine,cheapest pick and place machine,table top pick and place machine,mini pick and place machine,qihe,neoden,smt pick and place machine price in india,smt pick and place machine manufacturers,smt pick and place machine price,smt setup,smt process,smt meaning,smt pick and place machine programming,smt pick and place machine hs code,smt pick and place machine diy,smt pick and place machine for sale,smt pick and place machine video,low cost smt pick and place machine,fuji smt pick and place machine,used smt pick and place machine in india,manual smt pick and place machine,juki smt pick and place machine,diy smt pick and place machine,desktop smt pick and place machine,used smt pick and place machine,best smt pick and place machine,panasonic smt pick and place machine,smt manual pick and place machine,yamaha smt,smt550 pick and place machine,smt660 pick and place machine,smt manual pick and place machine mpp1,tvm802a pick and place machine,tvm802b pick and place machine,tvm925 pick and place machine,tvm926 pick and place machine,tvm925s pick and place machine,tvm926s pick and place machine,QM61 pick and place machine,QM81 pick and place machine,QM10 pick and place machine,pick and place machine uk,panasonic smt machine,SMT Label Automation,how much does a pick and place machine cost,what is a pick and place machine,pick and place machine brands,smt equipment manufacturers, tvm802a , led pick and place machine , tvm802ax , led strip pick and place machine , tvm802b , led lamp pick and place machine , tvm802bx , led pcb pick and place machine , tvm802a pick and place machine , lelighting , tvm802ax pick and place machine , solder paste printer , tvm802b pick and place machine , smd reflow soldering oven , tvm802bx pick and place machine , heller oven , tvm802a pick&place machine , heller heating and air , tvm802ax pick&place machine , what is smt machine , tvm802b pick&place machine , smt blog , tvm802bx pick&place machine , what is smt , tvm802a desktop pnp machine , shenzhen products , tvm802ax desktop pnp machine , shenzhen device , tvm802b desktop pnp machine , smt printer , tvm802bx desktop pnp machine , smt screen printer , small pick and place machine , automatic solder paste printer , small smt pick and place machine , screen printing solder paste , desktop pick&place machine , smtとは , desktop pick&place robot , pcb stencil printer , desktop pick&place , screen printing solder paste , desktop pnp , screen printing solder paste , desktop pnp machine , smt stencil printer , desktop smd chip shooter , solder stencil printer , desktop chip shooter , dek solder paste printer , desktop chip mounter , solder paste squeegee blades , desktop pcb assembly , pcb loader unloader , tabletop pick&place machine , pcb loader , tabletop pick&place robot , pcb unloader , tabletop pick&place , pcb loader machine , tabletop pnp , pcb unloader machine , tabletop smd chip shooter , automatic pcb unloader , tabletop chip shooter , automatic pcb loader , tabletop pnp machine , tvm925 , tabletop smt line , tvm926 , desktop smt line , tvm925s , desktop p&p machine , tvm926s , tabletop p&p machine , tvm925 p&p machine , chip shooter , tvm926 p&p machine , tabletop chip mounter , tvm925s p&p machine , tabletop pcb assembly , tvm926s p&p machine , liteplacer , tvm925 pnp machine , desktop liteplacer , tvm926 pnp machine , tabletop liteplacer , tvm925s pnp machine , mini liteplacer , tvm926s pnp machine , mini pick&place machine , tvm925 pick and place machine , mini pick&place robot , tvm926 pick and place machine , mini pick&place , tvm925s pick and place machine , mini pnp , tvm926s pick and place machine , mini smd chip shooter , tvm925 pick&place machine , mini chip shooter , tvm926 pick&place machine , mini pnp machine , tvm925s pick&place machine , mini smt line , tvm926s pick&place machine , mini pnp robot , tvm925 benchtop pnp machine , mini p&p machine , tvm926 benchtop pnp machine , desktop smt mounter machine , tvm925s benchtop pnp machine , desktop pick and place vision system , tvm926s benchtop pnp machine , desktop open source pick and place , tvm925 desktop pnp machine , tabletop smt mounter machine , tvm926 desktop pnp machine , tabletop pick and place vision system , tvm925s desktop pnp machine , tabletop open source pick and place , tvm926s desktop pnp machine , mini smt mounter machine , tvm925 automatic pick and place machine , mini pick and place vision system , tvm926 automatic pick and place machine , mini open source pick and place , tvm925s automatic pick and place machine , sony smt pick and place machine , tvm926s automatic pick and place machine , SMT pick and place machine , QL41 , smt machine , QL41A , smd machine , QL41B , SMT equipment , QL41 led , pick and place machine , QL41A led , reflow oven , QL41B led , stencil printer , QL41 p&p machine , smt pick and place machine , QL41A p&p machine , pnp , QL41B p&p machine , pick&place machine , QL41 pnp machine , pick&place , QL41A pnp machine , p&p , QL41B pnp machine , p&p machine , QL41 pick and place machine , pcb assembly , QL41A pick and place machine , smd chip shooter , QL41B pick and place machine , pnp machine , QL41 automatic pick and place machine , chip mounter , QL41A automatic pick and place machine , smt setup , QL41B automatic pick and place machine , smt process , QL41 pnp machine with rail , smt meaning , QL41A pnp machine with rail , smt pick and place machine programming , QL41B pnp machine with rail , smt pick and place machine hs code , QL41 rail pick and place machine , smt pick and place machine diy , QL41A rail pick and place machine , smt line , QL41B rail pick and place machine , smt mounter machine , QL41 led p&p machine , semi automatic pick and place machine , QL41A led p&p machine , fully automatic pick and place machine , QL41B led p&p machine , full automatic pick and place machine , QL41 led pnp machine , smt nozzle , QL41A led pnp machine , paste mixer machine , QL41B led pnp machine , label feeder machine , QL41 led pick and place machine , pcb pick and place , QL41A led pick and place machine , index pick and place , QL41B led pick and place machine , double sided smt assembly , QM61 , high speed pick and place , QM62 , low level pick and place machine , QM81 , mid level pick and place machine , QM10 , pick and place vision system , QM61 led , open source pick and place , QM62 led , solder stencil machine , QM81 led , pick and place feeder , QM10 led , smt line , QM61 p&p machine , pick and place robot , QM62 p&p machine , used pick and place machine , QM81 p&p machine , openpnp , QM10 p&p machine , openpnp feeder , QM61 pnp machine , pcb printer , QM62 pnp machine , stock in eu , QM81 pnp machine , feeder , QM10 pnp machine , smt assembly , QM61 smt pick and place machine , suction nozzle , QM62 smt pick and place machine , smd package , QM81 smt pick and place machine , liteplacer , QM10 smt pick and place machine , surface mount technology , QM61 pick and place machine , reflow soldering , QM62 pick and place machine , smt wheels , QM81 pick and place machine , smt machine supplier , QM10 pick and place machine , smt machine price , QM61 pcb chip shooter , pick and place machines , QM62 pcb chip shooter , what is smt machine operator , QM81 pcb chip shooter , what is smt machine , QM10 pcb chip shooter , smt machine spare parts suppliers , QM61 smt chip shooter , smd mounting machine , QM62 smt chip shooter , automatic pick and place machine , QM81 smt chip shooter , pick and place machines , QM10 smt chip shooter , manual pick and place machine , QM61 smd chip shooter , smd mounting machine , QM62 smd chip shooter , smd led pick and place machine , QM81 smd chip shooter , cheapest pick and place machine , QM10 smd chip shooter , smt pick and place machine manufacturers , QM61 chip shooter , smt pick and place machine price , QM62 chip shooter , smt pick and place machine for sale , QM81 chip shooter , smt pick and place machine video , QM10 chip shooter , low cost smt pick and place machine , smt machine supplier in delhi , diy smt pick and place machine , smt machine suppliers in india , best smt pick and place machine , smt machine supplier in india , smt manual pick and place machine , smt machine supplier malaysia , smt production line layout , qihesmt , PCB designing , qhsmt , neoden smt , qh smt , Faroad smt , qihe smt , ITC smt , yamaha smt , yx smt , hwgc smt ,

Continue discuss about the several practical tips for PCB layoutlet’s when you doing pcb designing

Hey guys today let’s Continue discuss about the several practical tips for PCB layoutlet’s when you doing pcb designing before you use QiHe smt equipments,smt production line layout

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QHSMT is an enterprise specializing in the production of SMT equipment, like pick and place machine ,reflow oven,stencil printer ,smt pick and place machine,pnp,pick&place,pcb assembly,led assembly,smd assembly,smd chip shooter,pnp machine,chip mounter,smt line,welcome to send inquiry you can choose a reflow oven to meets your need like qrf320,qrf630,qrf830,qrf1230, and with rail type ,qrf835,qrf1235 stencil printer model qh3040,qp3250,qfa5060 Also we have different kinds of smt pick and place machine like tvm802a,tvm802b,tvm802ax,tvm802bx,tvm802c,tvm802d,smt802a,smt802b,smt802a-s,smt802b-s,smt802as,smt802bs, tvm802as,tvm802bs,ql41,qm41,tvm925,tvm926,tvm925s,tvm926s,qm61,qm62,qm81,qm10 smt,pnp machine,smt mounter machine,pcb loader unloader,reflow oven temperature,automatic pcb unloader,solder paste mixer,semi automatic pick and place machine,smt nozzle,paste mixer machine,label feeder machine,pcb pick and place,index pick and place,what is a pick and place machine,double sided smt assembly,high speed pick and place,smt medicine,pnp machine,pick and place vision system,open source pick and place,solder stencil machine,pick and place feeder,p&p machine, chip mounter,smt line,pick and place machine,pick and place robot,desktop pick and place machine,used pick and place machine,small pick and place machine,chip shooter,smt equipment,smt machine,openpnp,pcb printer,reflow oven,smt pick and place machine,stock in eu,feeder,smt assembly,pcb assembly,smd chip shooter,suction nozzle,pick and place machine.smt machine,smd package,liteplacer,openpnp feeder,automated optical inspection,aoi,spi,tht,reflow soldering,smt wheels,smt machine supplier,surface mount technology,smt machine price,led pick and place machine,led strip pick and place machine,led lamp pick and place machine,led pcb pick and place machine,pick and place machines,what is smt machine operator,smt machine supplier in delhi,smt machine spare parts suppliers,smt machine suppliers in india,smt machine supplier malaysia,smt machine supplier in india,smd mounting machine,automatic pick and place machine,pick and place machines,manual pick and place machine,smd mounting machine,smd led pick and place machine,cheapest pick and place machine,table top pick and place machine,mini pick and place machine,desktop pick and place machine,qihe,neoden,smt pick and place machine price in india,smt pick and place machine manufacturers,smt pick and place machine price,smt setup,smt process,smt meaning,smt pick and place machine programming,smt pick and place machine hs code,smt pick and place machine diy,smt pick and place machine for sale,smt pick and place machine video,low cost smt pick and place machine,fuji smt pick and place machine,used smt pick and place machine in india,manual smt pick and place machine,juki smt pick and place machine,diy smt pick and place machine,desktop smt pick and place machine,used smt pick and place machine,best smt pick and place machine,panasonic smt pick and place machine,smt manual pick and place machine,yamaha smt,smt550 pick and place machine,smt660 pick and place machine,smt manual pick and place machine mpp1,tvm802a pick and place machine,tvm802b pick and place machine,tvm925 pick and place machine,tvm926 pick and place machine,tvm925s pick and place machine,tvm926s pick and place machine,QM61 pick and place machine,QM81 pick and place machine,QM10 pick and place machine,pick and place machine uk,panasonic smt machine,SMT Label Automation,how much does a pick and place machine cost,what is a pick and place machine,pick and place machine brands,smt equipment manufacturers,

2023 Spring Festival greetings from QiHe SMT

Dear all customers of QiHe SMT equipment manufacture . The traditional Spring festival is here again . We won’t forget you this holiday season.May the bright and festive glow of New Year candle warm the days all the year through. Hoping you will have a wonderful time enjoying New Year that is happy in every […]

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