1024 www.qhsmt.com QM62 smt line setup smt pick and place machine client case

QM62 smt line setup smt pick and place machine client case

Hello friends ,Today we update the QM62 SMT line setup that client sharing a few days ago.This smt production line has successfully arrived at the customer’s factory, after the power supply equipment and air pump in the smt production workshop have been completed.

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What is the purpose of a chip capacitor?

What is the purpose of a chip capacitor?

SMD capacitors are used as passive components, and their functions are often used in power circuits: to achieve bypass, decoupling, filtering and energy storage, etc. The main functions in signal circuits are coupling, oscillation/synchronization and time constant role. Qihe pick and place will explain each of these separately.

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Ball lamp bead LED producing case by fully automatic LED line TVM926S 4 heads pick and place machine

Today, the customer showed us a video of the TVM926s smt pick and place machine when operating ball lamp bead LED producing.The customer’s main products are car lights, solar street lights, and smart street lights and other products In the video, the TVM926S chip mounter, inspection conveyor, and 8-temperature heating zone reflow soldering machine are […]

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